RSRKingdomStars (Fan Comic Portfolio) Wings of Light & Darkness

Wings of Light & Darkness
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[edit 2011-2012] PLEASE READ I’m sorry guys, but I really want to have a fresh new start. I just can’t continue this madness anymore.
I've decided to make L&D a fun compilation of mini stories, character profiles, battle scene art, scenarios, etc. (basically a free-for-all) if I ever get the motivation back
If your oc is in here, PM me if you’re still interested in having them as part of the manga & you may request a scenario and I will draw it out, so this book will go however you want it to go, ‘cuz when I’m in charge, sh*t happens.
I really want to revamp Sayoko’s bio & character.
She was a mindless & silly dumbfck like me when I made this, and pretty much a mary-sue: You have to let me do this, otherwise I won’t be able to live with myself or my nickname. .__. I actually may want to change her nam evene, but I’ll have to think carefully about that.
Also, forget about the whole Riyoko crap. I was a dumb love-struck middle schooler. .__.
My stupid 12-14 year old self made quite a mess for me to clean up. ಠ益ಠ

Sorry for ping-ponging all of you with this story ;__;
I understand if you don't forgive me and want to chainsaw my head open.

Crossover Anime and Manga Fan Comics
akari, april, chouette, comedy, elena, faith, friendship, haruki, hikari, kazune, kiyoko, kotori, l&d, lucy, may, misha, rei, riiya, rika, riku, roxas, sakurie, sayoko, sophie, sora, summer, taiyou, takara, takari, wings of light & darkness
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