Okay, here's the next page. Oy, but Sinshua's smile was fun to draw. He's an unexpectedly gorgeous characters, if I do say so myself. I wish I could draw the way I do today back when I introduced him, but hey, it's all a stepping stone. Like a year from now I'll be saying "Ugh! My work last year was crap! =o.O=" lol But it's all good because it mean we improve as artists =^_^=
Tokeko's getting some vibes... And she unknowingly just said something perverted... =o.O= lol j/k j/k... I've discovered I can make my little bowling pin people in the background after it's scanned! lol Though it makes it look different if I draw them beforehand. Hahaha, bowling pin people... They tickle me so... =^_^=
I'll have to draw more pages, but this is all that's been drawn of the story. (shegasp! =O_O=) I'm also working on some other art-related things, but I'll try to get back to this ass soon as possible. For now, enjoy the page. =^_^= Or not... it's a free net... =o.O=