I don't know when I will draw anything next (hopefully not too long) and so I thought would just add this one now ~ Laughs and shakes head ~ I need way more practise on drawing someone A) In pain and B) Lying down on a table! My mother looks insanely wrong on this picture. Well her face anyway, the rest seemed to work largly! The Earl came out good though, it's the first time I have drawn him! The heart is in his text biubble thing because when he talks in the manga he always has one so even though he isn't talking I gave him one anyway for effect lol! I will admit to loving the "ARGH" speech bubble!
Oh yea and some of the writing in the first paragraph came out a little wrong but I didn't notice till after I inked it. To those who don't know the Earl is the creator of the Akuma and the other random things in till the end of the first of the lower paragraphs. It looks like my mum has gone to meet an army of people ~ Laughs ~ Just ough I would quickly clear that up!
~ Bows ~ Hopefully it won't be too long till I get another one done but my life will be hectic for the next few weeks so I can't be sure!