Name: Milena Pravdina Osterhagen
Age: 17-18 years old
Title: Lady in Waiting
Theme Song: Lady Gaga- Eh, eh
Favorite Foods: Pound cake, chicken noodle soup, and strawberry yogurt
Description: A carefree city girl who wishes to stay neutral between the Aristocrats and the Dark Artists. Emory had kidnapped her to lure Natalya into a trap but it backfired horribly. He was taken hostage and forced to marry Milena because she thought he was the sexiest thing God ever created. She loves the sky, especially the stars, and wishes to live in a villa among the clouds.
Hobbies: Counting stars, playing chess and winning, collecting spoons, and wishing upon shooting stars.
Other Notes: Her father was the pastor at her wedding. Despite being forced to marry Milena, Emory doesn't hate her; in fact, he thinks she can be kinda cute at times.
Mr. and Mrs. Osterhagen make their first appearances! Get the joke? Emory doesn't want to count all the stars... I know it was a bad joke...Shut up!
Thinking of theme songs is one of the hardest but most fun things to add to the character! I couldn't decide on Lady Gaga- Eh Eh, Britney Spears- Circus, or Perfume- Dream Fighter, so I chose Lady Gaga because her song was the original I had picked out for Milena.
Most characters have two main outfits, a casual outfit and a fantastic outfit. Milena's casual dress is the pink one and her fantastic dress is the yellowish one. Her fantastic dress went through dramatic transformation from the first time I drew it; originally it was supposed to be purple and worn by Elodie
So... Anyone got a favorite character yet?