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Me:Repeat the process and add more highlights and diffuse them with the smudge tool .I suggest using lighten for it.The result will be a very detailed cloud .Don’t forget you can convert this cloud into a brush later,that will save a lot of time.
Experimenting will help a lot with exploring new techniques and finding your style. Observing other drawings and guessing what they did to achieve that effect will really help improve your art ability. Its good to understand your tools so you can achieve the best results.You can always look at clouds at different times of the day and such.
One thing that helped me on clouds is redrawing a picture of a sunset that I took in the philippines. It helped me understand the shapes of clouds and all the different colors you can find in the sky.
*Tips:Knowing your tools and making brushes will help you save time.You can save your burshes in the brush menu (check the image).