Yep. Iiwi sent me a ton of questions. I have yet to answer the RB:SI ones because drawing 4 people for every question is a bother... but I did the OFAV ones! :D There's 6 questions total. Since I put the whole question on the page, I'm not going to repeat it in the footnotes.
So anyways. You may not have known this unless you remembered this from Tomato's profile in my Various Planning world, but Tomato dropped out of high school. It never really becomes a moving plot point in OFAV, but Tomato does mention it from time to time.
Something I never bothered to think about was Tomato's coming out story, simply because it's completely irrelevant to his character and who he is. Tomato, to me, seems like he's always been one of the girls growing up and has never been bothered by it. It's probably a pretty rare case for someone never to doubt who they are, but Tomato's self esteem is so ridiculously high that it seems like it'd be plausible for him.