Love Truly Kimmeh

Chapter 16: Three Men and a ‘Baby’

Pushing my way past Vincent in the bedroom was a chore. He was rushing around so much that I could barely move an inch without getting in his way.
“Well come on, Kim,” Vincent was finishing putting on a brand new tie. Actually his entire outfit looked new. It was like he stepped through a time portal; Vincent looked like a Turk all over again… Except his hair was much longer.
“Uh, well Vince,” I laughed sarcastically. “I would have been ready ages ago, but you kept saying I was in the way!”
I was talking to a wall though; Vincent had already left the room.

I finished up in the bedroom, and gracefully walked down the stairs to the living room where the men were waiting rather impatiently. They were all sitting together, reminiscing on the past. The instant I walked into the room, however, all conversations seized to exist. Vincent rose quickly and walked over to the staircase. My dress gleamed as the light from the room glistened on the glitter sprinkled on the front of it. Its rose red color stood out vibrantly against my somewhat pale white skin, and my blonde hair resting in curls on my shoulders. I wore makeup for the first time in ages, just enough to bring out my blue-gray eyes.

“K-Kim, you… You look…” Vincent stuttered for the first time I’d ever heard before.
“Beautiful, Ms. Ama,” Cid nodded, and Vincent quickly threw a glare in his direction. “Oh I’m sorry, Vincent. I was out of line there.”
“You all look very handsome,” I smiled and attempted to stand on my tip toes to kiss Vincent on the cheek. I failed miserably.
I didn’t have to say anything. Laughing, Vincent slightly leaned down to me and kissed my cheek instead.
“My God, did Vincent just laugh?” Cloud taunted in return.
“Mention it again and I’ll rip your tongue out through the back of your head,” Vincent grabbed my hand as he headed for the doorway.
“Ouch,” Cloud laughed to himself. “Now I remember why people are afraid to kid with you.”
“Now now,” Cid patted Cloud on the back. “Let’s go before Vincent and Kim leave us behind.”
“I wouldn’t let it happen,” I laughed as I put my coat on. “Vincent may be pushy but he can’t control me.”
“Oh really now?” Vincent raised an eyebrow at me; it was definitely a little surprising. “We’ll see about that.”

Seconds later I was being lifted off my feet and carried out the door. Cid and Cloud stared at each other.
“That guy surprises me more and more lately,” Cid sighed as he shook his head.
“You’re telling me…” Cloud laughed. “Well, let’s go.”

I decided pushing and kicking wouldn’t help me this time. Plus, it would make me look pretty childish in front of Cloud and Cid. Not fighting, however, caught Vincent’s attention rather quickly.
“So is my little Kim finally giving up?” he laughed as we neared our black Corvette parked in the driveway, courteous of Vincent’s boss, Reeve. “You’re being awful obedient for once.”
“I’m not giving up…I’m just refusing to make a fool of myself in front of those two,” I sighed. “And stop talking to me like a baby.”
“But you are,” Cloud said after overhearing. “You’re the youngest. Three men and a baby, right?”
“Very funny,” I said as déjà vu flashed through my mind. I climbed into the passenger seat of the car as it happened. “Let’s go.”

Date Published
06/17/08 (Originally Created: 03/06/08)
Final Fantasy VII Fan Words
5 hugs hug
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