Love Truly Kimmeh

Chapter 12: Old Friends, Different Paths

[A week or so later]

I should have known Vincent wasn’t going to be there. He’s not capable of taking too many days off work. They need him too much.

Vincent, and Cid now that I think about it, works for the WRO. He specializes in the repair of weaponry and Materia. Cid focuses more on the scientific stuff and basic machinery. Seeing as though he was once an astronaut helps him a whole lot. Another cool thing is they both work directly for Reeves, so their boss is someone they already know.

Vincent makes quite a bit of money for what he does, and I owe it all to him for giving me such a wonderful home to live in. We even have a guesthouse, which is what Cid is currently living in. He could easily afford his own place, but we don’t mind having him around. He’s a good person to be around when you’re feeling down in the dumps.

As for me? Well, it’ll probably sound pathetic compared to Vincent and Cid. I’m just your average bar tender in the neighborhood bar. Elena, Mia, and sometimes Yuffie work there as well. It can be pretty interesting when we’re all working on the same day… Mia’s the owner of the place, so that’s why she got to call the shots when closing the bar.

To be honest, I’m not quite sure what Reno does for a living. And I think that may be a good thing. Rude, Reno’s old partner, lives back in Midgar (or what’s left of it) by Cloud, Tifa, and many others we’re acquainted with. I’ve always wondered what really happened with Rufus Shinra. No one has claimed to have seen him since the Kadaj incident. That’s another thing I’ve always wondered about. Did they actually get rid of Sephiroth for good this time? Or is he going to keep popping back into reality every couple of years? To be honest, I wouldn’t mind seeing him one last time. I need to kick his ass for all the grief he put Cloud through back at ShinRa Headquarters.

Speaking of Cloud, I’ve heard he’s doing pretty well for himself too. He’s still running that Delivery Service, and he has Denzel and Marlene living with him. Turns out he and Tifa are also engaged now! I think everyone feels the same way when I say it’s about damn time. They’re planning on getting married this fall. Vincent and I have our date set on June 12th. Two weddings in one year; Cupid really must have been working his ass off on our group. Rumors are Elena and Reno are getting pretty close too!

Well, I guess I should get off my lazy ass and do something. I am finally feeling better. As it turns out Vincent was right, and I was stuck with a cold all week. I guess your mind can shut out other things mentally, like sickness, when you don’t want to deal with it. Maybe I’ll clean or something… Seeing as though I can’t go back to work yet. I know! I’ll clean up the house a little, and then go out to see Elena! Sounds like a plan to me… But what if she’s already out of the hospital?
“Oh who cares!” I nodded to myself in the mirror. “First things first; shower.”
And with that, I was off to the bathroom to get ready for yet another exciting day in my life. Oh boy…

Date Published
06/17/08 (Originally Created: 03/06/08)
Final Fantasy VII Fan Words
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