Inspired by Kami-chan.x3's iPhone wallpaper
Character ~> Kuraudo Sutoraifu (Cloud Strife)
Series ~> Final Fantasy VII
I came across Kami-chan.x3's lovely iPhone lock screen wallpaper (link above) and felt inspired to make my own :D I tried to replicate the style of the boxes, which I actually found to be pretty hard to do ^_^; I wanted to add some fancy things, but I could not do so without ruining the image.
So here is Miss Cloud Strife >3 Why him? I am currently replaying the game as I type this ^o^ ...Plus, this is one of the few high-resolution pictures that I have... I do not own an iPhone, so I cannot tell if it looks okay.
Cloud Strife (c) Nomura Tetsuya, Square Enix, Madhouse
Graphic (c) Airo