Ok so here's my second challenge, my first one didn't blow over to well but I'm going again anyways cause it's fun! So this one all you have to do is make a wallpaper of any of the homonculus from Fullmetal Alchemist. You can use and one of them, or all of them that part doesn't matter to me, but what I don't want to see is a wall of the pride from the game blue birds illsuion as much has myself likeing him I don't want him to be used since he i snot in the real series. I think that's about it, and you can have up to two walls in it. And if you make one and decide later you want to make a new one better just pm me and tell me wich is the one you want to use ^^ Hope you all have fun with it and if you need anything else just let me know
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- Category
- Fullmetal Alchemist
- Entries
- 11 entries
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- Challenge completed
- Winner(s)
- Wrath ~Morbid Dollie
The Seven Sins ~Dyuu
Greed ~SojiRem
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