Angel Zakuro (Wallpaper Portfolio) The Guardian

The Guardian
1600x1200 | 1400x1050 | 1280x960 | 1152x864 | 1024x768 | 800x600

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Well, once again...oddly enough, AP isn't working so I'll post here first. XD I wonder why? It's so strange. Anyhoo...this is my SECOND vector. Only my second one, and I'm darn proud of it! If you don't know what a vector is...well, it's essentially like tracing/re-drawing an image. So yeah. Here's the original

This is Balsa from Seirei no Moribito, my current favorite anime. :3 She's sooo awesome. I suggest the anime greatly! On AP, there's only one other wallpaper from this show, and I felt stupid because it uses the same scan I chose. XD Oh well. But I vectored it, so there. And mine's red/magenta...hehe. With clouds. So yeah, anyhoo, I wasn't sure what to do with the scan at first! I didn't want to vector ever again, but I didn't want to spend the time extracting it to a T and then cleaning up the scan. -__- Too grainy!! I thought, "Hey, just hide it with being dark and texture-y..." Well, that would've been too much work...haha, though I don't know what made me think that vectoring would be easier!

It took a lot less time than my last one though. :3 Roughly 8 hours...maybe? I don't know. I didn't keep track! The vector has um, I can't count...but 80+ layers...or something. ^^;; I don't feel like counting them. Oh yeah, and something else that's different this that I vectored her right on my background that I was fooling around with instead of having the vector of her be on a totally different file. XD I was only going to do her eyes, but obviously I decided to vector ALL of her because the scan was so crappy. ANYHOO, the background was all brushwork and some pathetic-looking mountains. I wanted a wallpaper similar to the scan...just dark and red and whatnot...Uh...some texture overlays here and there (like on her outfit), and then the title. I hope it all looks ok!! I worked hard on it, and I'm pretty proud of it, too. Enjoy!

P.S. How come the 1600x1200 resolution never comes up???

Moribito: Guardian of the Spirit Wallpapers
balsa, clouds, cool, dark, grunge, red, seirei no moribito, vector
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