Well I don't really like this... It was turned back from near disaster, but I’m not entirely happy with it. The original image (from Aethereality) was very yellow, but with a LOT of tweaking and playing around… It ended up pink. Too pink. By far. So something had to be done *grins*
I tried merging it with red or smudged copies of itself (I guess like layers, but I use dogwaffle, and I’m not quite used to the layers on that, but I think it is a similar process to PhotoShop…). Anyways, there it is. I also merged it with a copy of itself that was made up of dots ^^ but I faded the result of that as it looked odd.
I think it ended up being grainy due to the jpg conversion… Meh. And the textures are too strong But it is rather cute...
Brushes from moargh.de and, erm inobscuro.com