Kaerlyn (Wallpaper Portfolio) See the...

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Well this was originally a scan from minitokyo.com I think... Although I did see it on Aethereality the other day. The artist had signed the picture, but I tried to edit that out as it was kinda in the way. I think the name of the artist is... *attempts to decipher signiture* ... Yokito Arishina ... Or something similar...

I made the edges smokey and used filters to make everything a little softer, then added a tarnished effect. I also added lyrics from 'Jars of clay', but the font makes it difficult to read, so here they are ^^

'Art in me'

Images on the sidewalk speak of a dream's descent
Washed away by storms to graves of cynical lament
Dirty canvases to call my own
Protest limericks carved by the old pay phone

In your picture book I'm trying hard to see
Turning endless pages of this tragedy
Sculpting every move you compose a symphony
You plead to everyone, "see the art in me"

Broken stained-glass windows, the fragments ramble on
Tales of broken souls, an eternity's been won
As critics scorn the thoughts and works of mortal man
My eyes are drawn to you in awe once again

And in your picture book I'm trying hard to see
Turning endless pages of this tragedy
Sculpting every move you compose a symphony
You plead to everyone, "see the art in me"

And in your picture book I'm trying hard to see
Turning endless pages of this tragedy
Sculpting every move you compose a symphony
You plead to everyone, "see the art in me."

Other Anime and Manga Wallpapers
brown, guy, hat, jars of clay, lyrics, music, smoke
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