Rainbow Dragon (Wallpaper Portfolio) Kingdom Form~Sora and Kairi

Kingdom Form~Sora and Kairi
1024x768 | 800x600

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This wallpaper was interesting to make because it took me alittle while because of the extracting and cleaning it up with the eraser. I extracted it with the magnet eraser and then I went around the image with the background eraser and used the normal one to clean it up. It took me awhile because of this tedious process. Well this is Sora and Kairi dressed up like a king and queen in Kingdom Form. I found this image on photobucket along time ago. I really like how this wallpaper turned out. I really like the color scheme because it reminds me of a bananna split. I like the paopu fruit charms around the edges too. I thought that would be a nice touch since that represents Sora and Kairi's friendship and love. Well I hope you guys like this. It was fun to make. I've been wanting to make a wallpaper with this image for awhile so here it is.Also photo and texture from respective websites.
What I think would be cool if this was an actual drive in the game. It probably take all the drive points though but it would be a neat drive. The sad part would be that it would only be useable when Kairi was around. That would be a big drawback to this drive. I still like it because it looks so pretty and elegant. If they were king and queen I think this is what they would like. It would be cool to play as Kairi and Sora in this form. I bet it would be powerful too.

Kingdom Hearts Wallpapers
kairi, kingdom form, kingdom hearts, sora
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