I made this wallpaper for Frolay to thank her for the fanart she made for my YYH Beyond! series ^^ Although her's was personalized, unlike this one so I hope she doesn't mind me sharing ^^ {p.s. If you would like a loverly personalized wallpaper, I'm willing to exchange for YYHB! fanart ^^}
This shot is from Eizou Hakusho which has not yet been released in America, but you can find subs for it on Youtube. This is a bonus scene that took place after the Dark Tournament (you know where that picture of everyone comes from? yeah, this scene shows them getting into the picture and Hiei didn't want to be a part of it XD) I've been working on an English dub for it, but my mixer has gone MIA TOT *cough*anyfandubmixersoutthere?*cough* hm, I should get my cold checked ^^;