LystikinenaXP (Wallpaper Portfolio) Summer Skies! Wish you were he

Summer Skies! Wish you were he
1600x1200 | 1400x1050 | 1280x960 | 1152x864 | 1024x768 | 800x600

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It's a wallpaper calendar, so please FULL VIEW~
Month: June

Well I've been wanting to do a calendar wallpaper for sometime after I saw a couple of them around here, and I thought it was a neat idea to do one ^^. It looked nice :). But boy, it takes alot of arranging =_=; XD.

Each letter and numbers were in separate layers, so I had to do a lot of moving. At first I had the calendar at the upper left side, and the title at the bottom right. Ok, that was fine, but then I wondered how would you be able to see the calendar there if you have your desktop icons?...well assuming most of you put them at the left side of your screen ^^; at least that's where I put mines most of the time. Anyways, I changed my mind so now I had to re-arrange them again and switched places with the title ^^. I think that's better ne?

I just added a colorful gradient and played around with the blendings. Oh and I made it for the month JUNE, it's not May so don't get confused. I'm giving you a month ahead :DD XD.

Scan: click

This is supposed to be a videogame called "Flyable Heart" by Noizi Ito. No idea what's about, but I wanted to use this pic since it fits for the month June.

Hope you like it, and have a great day~ ^_^


Flyable Heart Wallpapers
beach, blue, calendar, flyable heart, girls, june, lys, month, noizi ito, ocean, skies, summer, sun, swinsuit, yui, yui inaba
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