I got my first inpiration for this wall when I was browsing AnimePaper for a good Soul Eater wallpaper, and mostly all I found was silly, badly scanned and created images with all the same themes, no real serious ones around. Seeing how Soul Eater had a very large sadistic overtone through out the series especially the second half I figured this wall had enough justice to be made. After the new opening came about in episode 31 I had my image and the second the episode ended I screen capped it and started drawing these two out onto my computer with my tablet. The rest is pretty self explanitory, after finishing the vector of the background I ran into photoshop and created all the blood and rain effects along with the red-ish lighting.
As a side note, I love maka so this is in no way me saying that she should die, I just would like the viewers to know that there was another side to this anime then just some good animation and some jokes.
Hope everyone enjoys and leave comments! Thanks!