Clyne Lacus (Wallpaper Portfolio) Enchanted Eternally (Kobato)

Enchanted Eternally (Kobato)
1600x1200 | 1400x1050 | 1280x960 | 1152x864 | 1024x768 | 800x600

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So here is my entry for kitabugh69's challenge for clamp art ^_^ I made it on time O.o

I'm a huuge friend of clamp obviously, and some days ago I heard of this anime Kobato. The main character if I'm not mistaken is named Kobato, and she's a really cute girl <3
Then I found this lovely scan.
I immediately thought of vectoring it (even though I've only got 5 days left before the deadline).

As you see, I altered few things in the originals scan~.. I changed some of her outfit because I like it simple XD and rather than vectoring the original BG (which I think pretty, but it would be so uncreative for me to just vector the original) so I came up with a BG on my own :D (I created the BG using pen tool and brushes only <3)

Easiest part : her hat XD or dress~
Hardest part : hair. I always had so much fun in doing hair, but kobato's hair is just...complicated.
Time : 2 days to outline (1 full day to outline her hair), coloring took around 2 days and I completed the BG today~
Credit : brushes from obsidiandawn

That's all~ ^_^
I hope you enjoy it everyone~ :3

And although it's already sooo late, HAPPY (belated) BIRTHDAY for hikarun <3
This is my gift for you, hope you like it ^^

Next on my gift list : sasusaku 4ever, queen of werewolf, sherr
(I tried doing vectors for all of you, so please please be patient @.@)

Best wishes,

Kobato Wallpapers
art, challenge, clamp, girl, kobato, vector
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CLAMP Art Challenge:

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