First off, happy b-day, Dev! I know your birthday was a long time ago, but I didn't want to make you something half-assed. Plus, this is part 1 :) You'll get one more wall as a gift, just because you're that awesome.
Hmm, I don't have many things to say about this wall; I'm too lazy to write a proper description X-P About the background, I first wanted it to be mountains and sand (a desert), but that ended up in the trash bin because the sand looked weird. So, I went with a colder theme. The cloud photos are taken by me, I went to the mountains recently and took a lot of photos of the sky <3 Especially of big, fluffy clouds.
I decided to add the clouds and some mist because it looked too empty with only the mountains. Also, the sky is painted, and the stars are made by me using a tutorial. I played with the lighting on Wolfwood: made those mechanical parts darker and emphasized the light from his cigarette. I wonder how he isn't dead from the cold yet, but hey, that's why we have suspension of disbelief XD
The mixture between the snow-covered mountains and the bare ones is supposed to mean that he travels from a place to another - I don't know how to explain it too well, it's there to show that he's a traveler who visits different lands, climates etc.
Hope you like it, comments and/or favs are welcome and very appreciated <3
.PNG of Wolfwood (self-extracted)
Scan of Wolfwood: Nicholas D. Wolfwood 3 by coco-kun
Stock photos (mountains): Tatras by bubasia; I lost the links to the rest >_<
Clouds photos (C) me, planets from Resurgere
Textures: InTheName Stock, Pendle Stock