Rainbow Dragon (Wallpaper Portfolio) Dead Fantasy:Angelic Warrior

Dead Fantasy:Angelic Warrior
1600x1200 | 1400x1050 | 1280x960 | 1152x864 | 1024x768 | 800x600

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Here is a wallpaper featuring Rinoa/Rinoa Heartilly from Final Fantasy VIII. To be honest I've never really played Final Fantasy VIII but I've heard it's a good game. The main characters are Squall Leonhart and Rinoa/Riona Heartilly and if I suspect they fall in love later on in the game. I'm honestly not sure about the story of this game. I know a little bit but not much.
I found this amazing render on the internet somewhere. You can find it if you look in Google images under "Dead Fantasy". This render of Rinoa/Riona is by Monty Oum and I just think his work is really amazing. Angel Rinoa appears in Dead Fantasy 2 along with Kairi and if I do believe one other character but I'm not really sure. In Dead Fantasy she has really beautiful angelic wings. I like it when she takes flight cause her wings just look so beautiful. Rinoa is one of my favorite characters out of Dead Fantasy besides Kairi,Yuna,and Tifa. This wallpaper took me awhile to make and I hope it looks ok. I would like to dedicate this to RSRKingdomStars for being an amazing friend to me here on the Otaku. I'm not sure if she likes Final Fantasy but I hope she likes this wallpaper. It took me very long time to make. Without any further ado here is Dead Fantasy:Angelic Warrior Rinoa/Riona. I hope you like it Sayoko-san.
EDIT:I would highly recommend the widescreen version 1280x800 for a clearer,less squished view. The others look kinda squished.

Final Fantasy VIII Wallpapers
angel, angelic, final fantasy viii, rinoa, riona, warrior
14 votes thumb
15 members Favoritefavorite
erialephise2 sasuke sarutobi4 KawaiiLolita7572 Diamond Dust Morbid Dollie xXxAerithElricxXx smartanimegirl kima75 Solehah Bt Ismail Lihime Squal Leonhart Kaoru-92 RSRKingdomStars
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