Well this is a collaboration wallpaper that I did with RSRKingdomStars. It's a wallpaper version of her fan art "Ice Blue Alice" the original versions can be viewed here:
Colored Version:http://www.theotaku.com/fanart/view/304270/ice_blue_alice_and_the_devious_mad_hatter_%7Eriyoko%7E_%28colored%29
Lineart version:http://www.theotaku.com/fanart/view/303158/ice_blue_alice_and_the_devious_mad_hatter_%7Eriyoko%7E_%28lineart%29
Both of the links work,so please feel free to see both sides of this wonderful artwork by Sayoko-chan if you haven't seen them already. Well I would like to say a bit about the wallpaper version of "Ice Blue Alice." I got the idea for this wallpaper when I say Sayoko-chan's artworks with Alice Sayoko and Mad Hatter Riku. Apparently Mad Hatter Riku has stopped time to mess with Alice Sayoko. She wants him to leave him alone and she wants to go home. How will she get home though? I think this is the basis of a Alice in Wonderland/Kingdom Hearts story or fan manga. Sayoko-chan did the beautiful artwork used to make this collab wallpaper and I can tell she did a wonderful job on this artwork. I can also tell it took her along time. What I did in the wallpaper was the extraction of the artwork and I put the background together. Sayoko-chan did the amazing artwork. I didn't really find this too hard to extract and I thought I rendered it nicely. Well I hope you like our collab wallpaper. Dedicated to RSRKingdomStars for helping me make this wallpaper. I am a huge fan of Riku and Sayoko,they just look so cute together. Well thanks Sayoko-chan for being an amazing friend and I hope you like the wallpaper. The background is comprised of some clock images given the fact Mad Hatter Riku stopped time and Alice Sayoko just wants to go home. I did my best to try to represent a Wonderland/fantasy type atmosphere for them. I hope it looks ok.
Image credits
Alice Sayoko and Riku Art by RSRKingdomStars
Stock photos were found on various sites
Kingdom Hearts (c) Square Enix & Disney
Alice in Wonderland (c) Lewis Carol and Disney(Since they made a movie version)
Quote Credit:Quote is from the Sci-Fi mini series "Tin Man" which is based on the original "Wizard of Oz" book and movie
Well without any further ado here is "Ice Blue Alice",the wallpaper version.
Rainbow Dragon (Wallpaper Portfolio)
Ice Blue Alice-Wallpaper Ver.

1024x768 | 800x600
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- Created
- 08/14/09
- Category
- Kingdom Hearts Wallpapers
- Tags
- alice, alice in wonderland, kingdom hearts, mad hatter, riku, sayoko
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- RSRKingdomStars
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