Tenrousei (Wallpaper Portfolio) Dearly Beloved

Dearly Beloved
1024x768 | 800x600

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This wallpaper features Francis (France) and Jeanne d'Arc. There's a lot of fanart of the two because, as we all know, Joan of Arc gave up her life for the sake of her country and all that. Honestly, I heard the story of Joan of Arc when I was really young and I'd forgotten all about her until recently when her name was brought up again. I was never clear on the Hundred Years' War. >_<

I tried working with the pen tool on Photoshop, but it didn't work. At all. T_T I was trying to create the music bars, but it didn't turn out well at all, so I just took some pictures off Google and stretched them out a bit. XD The music sheet, the one with actual music on it, if anyone is interested, is Nocturne by Chopin. Which Nocturne it is, I have no idea. XD He wrote too many of them.

I was listening to To Zanarkand from Final Fantasy X, and I decided to make this wallpaper because the picture was just so bittersweet when you considered all things, and I tried to capture the feeling of the song, again. I'm not sure if it turned out so well, though. LOL

I notice too that the music is backwards and honestly, it killed me to do it, but it was the only way the wallpaper could work. D:


Features: Francis (France) and Jeanne d'Arc
Art by: ?
Textures by: chambertin & ?

Hetalia: Axis Powers Wallpapers
axis powers hetalia, france, francis, hetalia, jeanne d'arc, joan of arc
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