Quiet Noise (Wallpaper Portfolio) Beauty Queen

Beauty Queen
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my entry in babydensity's challenge

Hottest Anime Girls 2009

Why did I chose Eclair from K-G 2 as my hottest girl 2009 is because I think of no one else better than her and no one better to suite this title ^^
To be HOT means to have beauty and know how to show it too. She is beautiful and hot in anyway you look; it is not enough to be beautiful only on the outside, you have to be in your heart and in the soul too. The attitude and personality shows the inside beauty and hotness. In my world that is A Beauty Queen (that is the reason I used the crown brush)
And in my opinion Eclair is HOT on the outside and BEAUTIFUL on the inside. She always sacrificed everything/herself to save the life of others; and she always liked to have a perfect body and personally "customized" it if it wasn't (like in the second half of the anime - when she wasn't used to her new body and told her friend Riki that she made a few "adjustments" - ep 20 "Lost/Days")

From some resources I found out that her real name in the 2nd season is Que Feuilles and the anime's name is Kiddy Girl-And, but a lot of fans know her as Eclair and always will...

crown brush by Freaky Cheesy
other brushes by Gli
texture bg designed by Aethereality.net
vector by e-shuushuu.net
!!the writing "Eclair", the kanji and the ribbon are from a KG card scan
patches by aby7777
all the patches I used suit her perfectly

This is the first version of the wallpaper, I'm thinking of posting a second version of the same wallie...it's a lil' changed, but I'll see if I can finish it on time ^^

Work dedicated to babydensity, of course, with the message "thanks for inviting me, your challenges are always the coolest"

Hope you all like it ^-^
Hugs, favorites and comments all appreciated !

Kiddy Grade Wallpapers
eclair, k-g 2, kiddy girl-and, kiddy grade, que feuilles
34 votes thumb
25 members Favoritefavorite
Rainbow Dragon RedNekoMimi15 Gravity4Ever Pantalaimon1467 sasuke uchia DNAdemon Hanaro Souhi kikkima Markus wolfe LunaInverse aizome Heartstop mawata1995 Abyuka grueny Queen Izayoi vksan lacuslover chaiki stararnold Tsukiyo-kun
Member Dedication
Hottest Anime Girls 2009

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