Support KIRA (Wallpaper Portfolio) Peacemaker--Wave's Fury(Oil Pa

Peacemaker--Wave's Fury(Oil Pa
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This took me awhile to do...but I really believe the end result was worth it. Let's see, first off I want to say...OH MY GAWD Kitabug...I LOVE those scans!! It was so hard to choose...but I somehow had my heart set on love for Samurai prevails. XD So, After i rendered him...the REAL challenge began. Just what kind of background to put!!! Initially, I was going to do a battlefield...but there were too many conflicting somehow I started working on this.

Yes...I'm going to explain it...because it wasn't SIMPLE! ROFL! First I started out with the inside of a house...complete with the doors. But, I didn't like the pattern on the doors at all...I thought it needed something with more force behind it! What's more forceful than the OCEAN!!! I stumbled across this's a famous piece, I'm SURE some of you recognize it! Lots and Lots of editing later...I got what I desired. But it didn't end there. Once I made the doors prominent...put Tetsu in place...I did one more thing. I made it look like an oil painting. It looked so good...I just had to keep it like that! So in the end, I chose this version of the wall to enter. If you're asking why I left the's because I think they play a part as well. It's like he's defending the house from attack ne?

I really hope you all like it, because I'm dedicating this samurai piece to all of the people who entered my contest. It was soooooo hard choosing just three to win...I loved so many entries. *bows* I want to thank you all again for participating, and I want you to know your entries were all terrific. ^-^

Oh yeah...congrats if you actually read this far. So sorry I rambled. LOL

comments/hugs/faves all appreciated!!!

Peacemaker Kurogane Wallpapers
painting, peacemaker, peacemaker kurogane, samurai, shinsengumi, steel, sword, tatami, tetsunosuke, wave
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