ProjectX here with yet another wallpaper designed by myself! Personally HOLY CRAP I did better than I thought I was going to do on this. Trying to replicate a sky like that was harder than I thought actually sooooo many layers of adjusting hue changing and so on was quite the bugger if you ask me HOWEVER! With hard work comes excellent results THIS wallpaper personally I think its my best one yet...yes I am aware it looks plain and such, but the steps I took to ensure this was as realistic as possible made it all the worth more while as im sitting here eating my giant over 9000 gallon size of cheese puffs (No im not fat they help me focus while im working D: ) I think i did rather well actually the sun gives it that warm feeling I mean I sat here thinking to myself "Holy crap I bet I'll never be able to replicate this again simply AWESOME wallpaper"
But Enough of my blabbing on right? So what do my fellow Otaku members think of it? good? bad? could be better? Give up and go back to playing COD 6 (Which is a lot of fun btw)
P.S. Adobe sent me a new license key since i formatted my comp and installed windows 7 yaaaay QQ