Rainbow Dragon (Wallpaper Portfolio) Chara Nari Amulet Fortune

Chara Nari Amulet Fortune
1024x768 | 800x600

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I got the idea late last night before I went to sleep to make a wallpaper featuring Amu's Amulet Fortune. It is a joint character change with Ran,Miki,Suu,and Dia all at once. It happened in episode 100 of Shugo Chara Doki when she reached out and opened her heart to Ikuto who turned into a pirate kitty called Seven Seas Treasure. That one is pretty cool too. Well anyway in the background I put an image of Amu's individual forms. You may not be able to see them all cause Amu's dress is in the way. But the visible ones are Amulet Diamond,Amulet Heart,and Amulet Spade. Amulet Clover can't be seen cause the dress is in the way,sorry about that. I'm sorry if the image is a little pixaly,this is the best image I can find. Well I hope everyone likes it. I would like to dedicate this to SakuraCherry cause I know she is celebrating a birthday,Happy Birthday Sakura Cherry! Also I would like to dedicate this to cloud55strife for being such an amazing friend

Shugo Chara Wallpapers
amu, amulet fortune, hinamori amu, shugo chara
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