This is a wallpaper I made with my good friend,Cloud55Strife. Cloud has been a good friend of mine for awhile now and I'm glad she helped me create this cool wallpaper. I had the idea when I saw this picture and I just had to do something with it. As you can see in the wallpaper, Sora and Roxas are cosplaying each other. I think Sora looks cool dressed up as Roxas but Roxas looks even cooler dressed up as Sora. I wonder how it happened,well what adds to the magic effect is Cloud's wonderful brushes,I mean they just say magic all over them. I thought about adding Tinkerbell in there and then I thought,why ruin it? Maybe Tinkerbell is off to the side somewhere. Anywho Cloud did the brushes and I did the background and the rendering of Sora and Roxas. I have to say Roxas can be hard to render sometimes,well because of the itty bitty detailed areas. Well I hope you like our wallpaper and thanks a ton Cloud for helping me with it. I would like dedicate this to Cloud and SleepingLionHeart for being such awesome friends. Hope you both like it.
The amazing brushwork is by Cloud55Strife
Background and rendering by ThousandShadowsMP
Brushes by whoever made them
Stock images from google or somewhere
Artwork of Sora and Roxas by respective artists
Kingdom Hearts (C) Square Enix and Disney
Rainbow Dragon (Wallpaper Portfolio)
Sora and Roxas

1024x768 | 800x600
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- Created
- 01/02/10
- Category
- Kingdom Hearts Wallpapers
- Tags
- kingdom hearts, roxas, sora
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