innocent heart (Wallpaper Portfolio) Les Fleurs.

Les Fleurs.
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Been working on this for 2-3 hours, I honestly can't remember. XD But I really wanted to make a Kobato wallpaper because I am obsessed with this character right now and also I just really, really, really loved this scan I found. It has Usyagi(the bunny) in it too. :3 And of course flowers, which are my loves. <3

Anyway, I used about 5 different textures, of which I have no idea where I got them from. Sorry I am forgetful about that kind of stuff^^; But thank you to the people who created them! XD Two of which were rainbow textures and since rainbows are full of happy colors, I thought it fit the scan. The original scan was really light and I wanted to darken it a bit and give it more life, I guess you could say? I really focused on the flowers around Kobato. Do you notice how I darkened the flowers more than her face? Well I wanted to give Kobato a sort of light. XD So I hope I did my job in doing so!

I want to dedicate this wallpaper to Kelsey, Angel Zakuro. I know you're feeling a little down about your wallpaper but I just want you to know that you're an amazing wall maker, one of the best, and when it's finally done, it will be beautiful. So don't give up on it just yet. Because I am telling you my friend, it's a masterpiece already^^ And as for future achievement, you do not need to worry about that. You are going to excel at whatever you do. I promise you that. Remember to take a day at a time. And like Kobato would say; "I will do my best!!" :) Love ya Kels! *hugs* Thank you for always being there for me. ^_^

Okay everyone, I really hope you all like this one^^ Thank you so much for viewing, commenting, hugging, etc. Take care and may you have a Kobato-like day! XD

Created by Me, Innocent Heart.
Original Scan found here: Scan
Artwork (c) CLAMP
Textures belong to respective owners

Kobato Wallpapers
angel, bunny, clamp, flower, happy, kobato, rainbow, usyagi
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Member Dedication
Angel Zakuro

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