Driffter (Wallpaper Portfolio) Fujiki Naohito

Fujiki Naohito
1280x960 | 1152x864 | 1024x768 | 800x600

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Wtf. Fujiki Naohito doesn't have a category. D:
So about this wallpaper, eh? Well it started out with me wanting to do a piece for the Graphic Worm, but getting too lazy to do it. story of mah life. xD
Anyway, I wanted to make a wallpaper with a real person 'cause I hadn't done one in awhile, and I wanted to see if I'd have more luck with real people than anime (I didn't, as you can see).
I had loads of fun with this wallpaper, even if I did have to extract this image. (I still need to work on extracting) I spent all of 20 minutes on releasing him from that dull background. After that I stuck him in my wallpaper canvas, and proceeded to draw little squiggles around him, which was loads of fun! After that I added some words and textures 'cause, you know I can't have a wallpaper without them!
Looking at it, I still thought it looked rather plain, so I started using brushes. to a slightly disastrous end. Then, as if it wasn't bad enough I decided that no wallpaper was complete without cheesy, embarrassing words to finish the dorky effect. So, I came up with "Eyes That Pierce Your Soul". They're good, I know. They fit the image of retarded wallpaper to a T. I'M SO SORRY FOR MAKING SUCH A BLAND WALLPAPER WITH YOU IN IT, FUJIKIIIIIIIIIIII!!
So, that's all. Have fun hurting your creative bone with this. =)

Other Music Wallpapers
brown, brush, driffter, fujiki naohito, wallpaper
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