Dyuu (Wallpaper Portfolio) Roxas & Cloud (Collab)

Roxas & Cloud (Collab)
1600x1200 | 1400x1050 | 1280x960 | 1152x864 | 1024x768 | 800x600
1920x1200 | 1680x1050 | 1440x900 | 1280x800

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Background by ThousandShadowsMP.

Cloud n Roxas render by me.

Brushes Obsidian Dawn & BrushKing.

I'm so so so sorry, Shadow ! It took so long. (more than 1 month I guess).

Well, it's because I have an accident about more than 1 month ago. I fell from my motorcycle on the road. My right sides r hurt (my right hand, my right leg, n my neck on the right side). I didnt make any wallpaper for awhile. N not long after that, my friends n I go to a peaceful village. Even it's related with my study, I still can relax there. Oh ! n dont worry, I'm okay ! (Who's asking ?). Actually, in the night after that accident, I still can go out (alone) to check on my friend. Well ... becoz I fell with her.

It started in the hard rain, when I want to left campus. n so is she. Bcoz the rain is very hard, n she must do her project which the scripts r on her home, I told her if I'll bring her there. n she agreed. She sat on my back n of course without wearing helmet. (Hey ! I only bring one helmet since I usually going by myself !). n so ... the road is very sippery bcoz of rain. We fell.
I think I fainted for seconds after that n panic when I remember about her. She didn't wear any helmet ! OMG !. I shouted her name very loudly like a crazy. n I didnt care even there r many people around me. But, hey, d u know what happened ? My friend, she is okay ! Really !. At that time. I only can stare at her in disbelieve. How can she, I mean ... a girl, which maybe 10 cm shorter than me, thiny, didnt wear any helmet, SAVE !. She didnt have any wound, even just sprain. She stood in front of me n asking if I'm okay. Yeah, I'm okay. But, I'm still worried about her n on that night, I went to her house to checked. Thank God she's really okay. I think I'm worst than her. N tomorrow, I feel my body hurt ! (it's really hurt a day after that accident !). N my friend still okay. Wow ... y'know, I think she kinda like a white magician for me. Haha ! N she is one of my close friends now.

Oh, n on that village I often check on theOtaku by net on my mobile-phone. But, I only read n see. Can't submit anything. So, Sorry for just contact u today ! N I also sorry to all of u who send me messages n dedicate some wallp for me but I didnt respond them til today !

N Shadow, I hope we still can do some collab wallpaper next time ! (dont mad at me, okay ?)

Kingdom Hearts Wallpapers
cloud, collab, ff vii, final fantasy, organization xiii, roxas, strife, xiii
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