Rainbow Dragon (Wallpaper Portfolio) Cloud Strife

Cloud Strife
1600x1200 | 1400x1050 | 1280x960 | 1152x864 | 1024x768 | 800x600

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Wow I really like how this turned out. I am a huge friend and so is my friend,Cloud55Strife who helped me out with this wallpaper. I gotta say is the background looks amazing. I love how she put her brushes around the border and it gave it just enough to make it look cool. I was just amazed when I saw it and I thought my friend did a really great job. I really enjoy making wallpapers with Cloud cause I always know it's gonna turn out amazing and I always enjoy submitting our combined works and I enjoy writing these descriptions on how much I love Cloud's work and I love working with Cloud,it's just a really amazing experience to work with such an awesometastic artist. As you all know I did the faded background with the stock images and the amazing Cloud scans I got off of minitokyo and let me tell you,that site has some pretty amazing scans. So all I did was add a scan of Cloud in the foreground which I rendered and I just loved how it turned out. I would like to dedicate this to my dear friend Cloud because without her help,this wallpaper wouldn't have been possible. I hope you like it friend.

Final Fantasy VII Wallpapers
advent children, cloud, cloud strife, final fantasy vii
15 votes thumb
10 members Favoritefavorite
JinKazamasLady sasuke sarutobi4 Crimsonshadowrain LoveKouichi Razing Phoenix lily109 neko lover5 Shadowcatgirl Morbid Dollie kima75
Member Dedication
Morbid Dollie

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