twinklesakura (Wallpaper Portfolio) Live life to the Fullest!!

Live life to the Fullest!!
1024x768 | 800x600

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This is my first submission to 1dev13's sugoi! challenge.

I just how this wallpaper turned out! It has an intresting tale behind it. i was searching randomly for anime images when i came across haruhi suzumiya. Then i got her renders form here and here. and here i go!

Now, i need a background. i wanted this to be an upbeat wallapper with a very fun atmosphere. So, originally it was light blue and i was planning pink hearts but no matter how hard i tried, it just wouldn't work, finally tired and frustrated i decided to use a color i frequently use, green and yellow, so i did a google search and found this! It was perfect
There are many other images blended into the background in varying visibility, now that is interesting..back when i didn't have internet, i survived on line arts made by me but at some point you just absolutely need a reference. so i did a computer search.. and oh my god! you'll be amazed by how many pictures automatically comes with Microsoft package.. from flowers, fruits to animals.. everything! and all in black and white! (some with transparency)and that's where the renders in the background are!

The quotes are really beautiful.. they are best viewed in the original 1024X768.. it's about how to live life to the fullest and i thought they go perfectly with this image of haruhi.

Finally, combining, editing, insertions, painting etc.. done in paint.NET and Photoscape by yours truly!

Hope you like it!

Haruhi Suzumiya Wallpapers
anime, happiness, haruhi, haruhi suzumiya, life, melancholy
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22 members Favoritefavorite
erialephise4 SeverFlame caikotanonaka46 littledreamer2846 Yammi chan angel2084 optimuserik Razing Phoenix YNagato BlackroseInuyasha innocentsmile ThousandMaster lacuslover Quiet Noise Izukorai Hevn 1dev13
Member Dedication
That's sugoi! (Amazing!)

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