Rainbow Dragon (Wallpaper Portfolio) 2 different styles

2 different styles
1600x1200 | 1400x1050 | 1280x960 | 1152x864 | 1024x768 | 800x600

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I honestly wasn't really sure what category I was going to put this wallpaper in so I stuck it in the personal category. In a way it is a personal wallpaper and the reason is that it combines 2 completely different styles,my style of wallpapers with Cloud's style of wallpapers. I think Cloud's style is just amazing with all the amazing brushes she uses and the way she mixes them with the images is just amazing. It's always just the right amount of brushes, never too much or too little but just right. I really like how this turned out because I honestly can't put how much I like it into words. I think this wallpaper turned out that awesome. In case you're wondering about the characters, I chose Amulet Dia Amu from Shugo Chara to represent me and Cloud chose Edward to represent her. Edward represents Cloud because she can relate to him in alot of ways and he's been through alot and Amulet Dia represents me because I want a chance to shine more and I need to open up and make more friends and also I like to sing from time to time. I'm not that good but I still think it's fun to sing anyways. I did the background,using mine and Cloud's wallpapers and I even did a row of some of our previous collabs. You probably can't see them that well because of the characters,sorry about that. But anyway I hope you all enjoy the wallpaper that was made by both myself and Cloud,seriously the brushes on the background are amazing. I just love them.

Crossover Anime and Manga Wallpapers
cloud55strife, collab, full metal alchemist, personal, shugo chara, thousandshadowsmp, wallpapers
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