Rainbow Dragon (Wallpaper Portfolio) Shine,But 1st u have to glow

Shine,But 1st u have to glow
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There aren't enough Amulet Diamond wallpapers on this site. I really love Amulet Dia too. This wallpaper is themed around being a shining star. The overall message is that you don't have to be famous to be a star. You can be a shining star in your everyday life. All you have to do is believe in yourself and you can achieve many great things. I still think i have a lot to learn yet. I know I have yet to be a shining star but someday I will be. Amulet Dia is all about shining and radiance. I think everyone can possibly relate to Amulet Dia because everyone has some kind of special radiance inside of them. You just gotta look really deep to find it.
Now to talk about my wallpaper. I just did a simple overlay of images for the background. I wanted the background to match Amulet Dia's ability to shine. I hope it looks ok. I also used the quote "You can be a shining star, but all you have to do is glow first." This is really true because you got to think about what you want to achieve and then you do your best to achieve your goals. Does that make any sense? I also used the manga art of Amulet Dia because I think it's so beautiful and it has a lot of detail to it. I wished she transformed into Amulet Dia more often. Well anyway I would like to dedicate this to Cloud55Strife. I hope you like it friend.

Shugo Chara Wallpapers
amulet dia, hinamori amu, shugo chara
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