SaxGirl (Wallpaper Portfolio) Tsunade, the Healer - Inked

Tsunade, the Healer - Inked
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*Edit* I changed the eye colour, thanks to ecnelisterger because I hadn't noticed they were the wrong colour at first:3 */Edit*

I thought this challenge ('Inked', by sanjukyu) had quite an interesting theme - you take either a tattooed manga/anime character, or take one without a tattoo and put one on them^^ I obviously went with the second option:P

So when I read the challenge description, I started thinking... And suddenly I was thinking 'If Tsunade had a tattoo, what would it look like...?'^^ Well, since she's a healer, I figured it'd have to be some kind of Healer's symbol^______^ Then I Googled, and found one called the 'Caduceus Hermes Healer's Symbol' - apparently there's all kinds of symbolism in this one, here's a description I found on this site if you want to read it.

Then I found this perfect high-quality picture of Tsunade with her arm right at the front^^ I played around some with the hue/saturation/lightness of that pic, and used a brush in Overlay mode (another new technique for me yay!:D) to change the colour of her clothes^^

The tattoo: I made the lines of the original pic smoother using the Smudge tool, then changed the opacity, and added the colours - with yet another level of opacity. Played around a little with the positioning, and experimented with the Perspective Transform^_____^ (yup, never used that before either^^)

nLast thing I did was the background - at first it was just a gradient, but I figured that was kinda boring, so the clouds came along (all brushwork!^^) Oh, and of course the text, but that kinda speaks for itself, ne?^^

Time taken: about 4 hours
Done in: PS 6.0 with pen tablet
Original pics: Tsunade (it's a stock image, credits go to the original artist, 'KaenDD') and Healer's Symbol
Dedicated to: Sanjukyu, for hosting the challenge^^

Feedback is much appreciated!


Naruto Wallpapers
challenge, challenge entry, entry, healer, healer symbol, inked, naruto, sanjukyu, sannin, saxgirl, tattoo, tsunade, tsunade-sama, winged serpent
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12 members Favoritefavorite
Emo Prince XD momo619 Kagome7650 Voidnite Nessiered Rkeo270 princesa tsunade sanjukyu darkjackal MonkeyKingJ ecnelisterger
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