Now for the second artist, I chose my wonderfully talented Red Ranger: CrimsonANBU.
Why did I choose her?
Because she has ALWAYS inspired me. She’s helped me out with awesome tips and was one of the first ppl to give me the drive I needed to prevail! Just looking at her work always left me in awe…she’s done from the simple, to the complicated, and they are always impacting to me. She’s found a way to use words that just blows me away, and has a different outlook on everything~ And THAT is why I chose her. :)
Now for the wall explanation:
Her use of the sky is very prominent in quite a few of her works, so doing so…was a must. I started with a blue to blue/white gradient, then added clouds as I saw fit and gave them a Luminosity effect. After that I actually placed the render and cleaned it, then placed the words that randomly popped into my mind. She always seems to make them pop, without putting too much effect on them, so I attempted the same thing. Then, I added the RisingSun brushes which were a MUST. When I see them, no matter who uses them, I think Anbu-chan! She taught me to experiment with them…to add gradient, or texture…<3 I faded them out, and that’s what’s different in the two versions. It was suggested to make them bluer and fade more, and so I did, though that version was outvoted in the end, I still love it so I added a link to it. Adding a texture to the backdrop, it was complete~
I hope I did your work justice~ *bows* Thank you for always pushing me to improve RR. Keep up the awesome work!
Comments/hugs/faves always appreciated!!
Brushes: Deviantart, ObsidianDawn (credit on wall)