Rainbow Dragon (Wallpaper Portfolio) So Happy Together!

So Happy Together!
1600x1200 | 1400x1050 | 1280x960 | 1152x864 | 1024x768 | 800x600

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This is certainly a happy and cheery wallpaper. I like how color this wallpaper turned out to be. I made this wallpaper for my friend Cloud, because she's recently taken a liking to this pairing. I think they look like they're brother and sister. Mikuo is Miku's fanmade brother. I don't know who created him but he looks really cool. I think these two would make a cute pairing. I don't know why but they just look cute together. Anyway let me say a bit about the wallpaper.
This wallpaper was inspired by my friend Cloud55Strife because of her fantastic wallpapers of these two characters. That inspired me to create one of my own. I even like the effect I used on the text. It's kind of fun and hip I think,just like the artwork I found. I left the signiture on the png because the person created it and I didn't want to take credit for the artwork. That wouldn't be right of me to do, also I respect that artists like to sign their work. I've started signing my work recently in art class. It makes you feel proud of your work once you've completed it.
I hope you like this wallpaper Cloud. I've made this one for you. Hope everyone else likes it too. For my friends Cloud55Stife and RSRKingdomStars.

Miku Hatsune Wallpapers
hatsune miku, hatsune mikuo, leeks, vocaloid
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