Quiet Noise (Wallpaper Portfolio) { ink across my body }

{ ink across my body }
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***For best quality, please view at 1600 x 1200 ***

Okay so this was suppose to be an entry for a challenge, but I as dumb creature that I am, I missed the deadline T_______T This was suppose to be my entry for Sanjukyu’s challenge, "Inked"

In this period I’m into Fullmetall Alchemist, since I made the other FMA wallie “| flame of justice |”
I’m reading the manga, I’m at volume 10 and watching the anime too, Fullmetal Alchemist Brotherhood, I’m at episode 50 ^________^ yey!!

I chose Riza because she is one tough lady and her discrete love interest for Colonel Mustang makes her sweet. I just love this couple...Roy can be such a troublemaker sometimes, just like a 10 year old kid...and if it weren’t for Riza he’d be dead even before Huges *laughs*

She was my choice for the Inked challenge, because I think her tattoo is awesome and I even found an explanation about her tattoo one site ---> here
I used the logo from a manga scan (first chapter of the manga)

Grudge texture by asunder @ DA
Paper texture by bashcorpo @ DA
Paper note by Yami
Polaroid by chaoticfae
Riza by Ada
Transmutaion circle by angelalegna

Although I didn’t make it on time I still wanna dedicate this to the creator of the challenge, Sanjukyu, because you inspired me to do this my friend ^_______^ I don’t know if it fits with your rules, but it really doesn’t matter anymore...
Hope you like it... Hugs, favorites and comments all appreciated !

Fullmetal Alchemist Wallpapers
anime, blond, brotherhood, fma ii, fullmetal alchemist, ink, manga, riza hawkeye, salamander, tattoo, transmutation circle
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