Puppet Mistress (Wallpaper Portfolio) Had Enough

Had Enough
1600x1200 | 1400x1050 | 1280x960 | 1152x864 | 1024x768 | 800x600

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This wallpaper is featuring the combination of two chorus' from two totally different songs... We Have Had Enough from the song Had Enough by Papa Roach... who is the SHIT btw, and the line, Living In Wasteland from the song Ghost Town by Shiny Toy Guns. Both of these songs I heard on the radio, and I tried my damn hardest to try and remember the lyrics so I could type them into a search engine later... go me! :D

SO. This is just a simple colour alteration with a bit of brush work done. It's a beautiful scan... and I'm trying to re-find it XD I had to restart my computer, and lost the page.

Brushes from Aethereality and Brusheezy

Image, located here: [x]

Such a beautiful scan... [goes to scribble her name on the wallpaper] and I'm happy to share it with you... even though it sucks. -kicks people who think her wallpapers are pwn- I'm very reluctant to accept compliments on my works... I don't know why, I'm cocky about everything else :/

Still... more info!

Time: 1 Hour

Layers: 7

I SHOULD DEDICATE THIS TO MY LOOPY LOUP! KEEP MAKING THOSE WALLPAPERS CHICKA. AND FELIX CAN JUST STFU. ;) Your work is beautiful, don't let an Austrian git try and tell you otherwise... [Or a British one... because Dave would probably do it XD]

Feedback/Hugs/Favs/Comments are ALL loved and DAMN WELL APPRECIATED YOU STINGY BASTARDS! >] ALEX IS BACK IN THE WALLPAPER MODE. WATCH OUT FOR MY AMATEUR WORK! AND SHIELD YOUR EYES! ;) I'll never admit my work is good. -coughthatwasdirectedatyouZacMancough- -coughyoutooCloudandLioncough-

Au Revoir~

Gurren Lagann Wallpapers
colors, hue, multicolored, wasteland
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