Hello everyone ^^
So I entered this wallpaper for the challenge hosted by Beloved Blood called 'The Anniversary of Final Fantasy'. This is the first wallpaper I've ever made ^^ *throws confetti*
The wallpaper is about Exdeath, I don't know if he's my favorite character, but well.. he's very cool ^^ And people like Tidus, Cloud and Sephiroth are so very muchly overrated, so I wanted to stay away from them (or any other VII/X characters for that matter). And than I played Dissidia, and Exdeath is my favo character in that game since he can block everything ^^ And he was talking about the void, and I was like... Omg, I love the void =D
So I used him ^^
So here are the links I used for this wallpaper
Exdeath in the lower right; http://media.photobucket.com/image/exdeath/silverdarkness_riku/Dissidia/Exdeath-DissidiaFinalFantasy.png?o=18
Exdeath in the middle; http://www.1up.com/do/my1Up?publicUserId=5619937
I have no idea how these links are going to work out :P I hope they won't post the full link but just... a hyperlink thing? Never done this before :P
Anyhow, I hope you all like this paper ^^ I'm pretty happy with how it turned out, even though it's kinda basic =)
I dedicated it to Beloved Blood, for hosting this challenge and being a FF and KH fan (I'm also going to subscribe to you ^^)
(Hugs/Faves/comments are always appreciated ^^)