Angel Zakuro (Wallpaper Portfolio) addicted to you.

addicted to you.
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I don't know why I'm submitting this right now. It's freaking midnight. I usually submit things earlier, but whateverrr. Will anyone see it? XD Hopefully lol...but uh, yeah. I LOVE this challenge. But I'm sure most of you knew that already. ;'D I mean, I made my e-card challenge in a similar vein to this. I will definitely (if I have the time) submit the full 3 submissions. <333 This is #1!

Fell in love with this scan. I am now a full-on Nekota fan. XD Her art is awesome~~ Smexy smexy BL goodness! I loved that scan so much. I loved the colors and guys and the everything. But then I went and ruined it with this wall lol. ^^; The scan's quality kinda artifacts and grimy scan texture. So I did my best trying to clean it up! But what's my solution to cleaning it up? Adding a bunch of gradients and different effects and turning the awesome cute colors into a warm mess of hotness. I had 4 layers of the scan itself, duplicated and set on different effects, sharpening some, blurring others, trying my best to cover up the crap. And then I added, like I said, lots of other layers of colors. >>'

Look! Lots of room for icons on the left side! :D I guess! ^^; I had to use the clone stamp to make the rest of the curtain over there cause the days and numbers were over there...calendar, you know. Uh, I smudged some areas of the scan, and I think I did too much on the one guy's face, but oh well. And then lastly the text; I could've put it over on the empty side, but I liked it where it is, so there. XD

I hope you like it! I worked hard on it (but it looks like crap!!)! ^^; Although if I had all the time in the world, I would've loved to paint/vector it all.

Other Anime and Manga Wallpapers
addicted, bl, flowers, nekota yonezou, orange, red, sexy, warm, yaoi, yellow
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