HelloKatty (Wallpaper Portfolio) Beautifully Strong!

Beautifully Strong!
1024x768 | 800x600

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My Entry for Danni's Tough and Beautiful Challenge!!

Oh my, oh me...how Predictable of me! I used Sophie's Tales of Graces f Hi-Ougi cut in! But Hi-Ougi cut in's are when Tales Girls look their toughest...almost all other images/scans of the Tales girl's make them look harmless[But that's my opinion...it actually depends on the girl, and in this case I'm referring to Sophie]! I think this challenge was just asking me to work with a Hi-Ougi cut in! as always, i'm spreading the Tales love! XD

Honestly Sophie is perfect for this challenge! She may look delicate and weak but shes rock hard tough! She fights with her fists and legs and she is just kick ass! She could break every bone in your body if she wanted too...i'm surprised Pascal survived that blow from Sophie off that cliff myself actually! XD Sophie is cute, beautiful and TOUGHLike Pandaso she is perfect for this challenge! X3 I was originally gonna use Judith from ToV for this challenge[i even thought of using Legretta the Quick from TotA] but then i said to myself "no way! Sophie FTW!!"! XD haaaar...look? Sophie is about to attack! *points at wall* reason why i used her Hi-Ougi cut in! XD

*coughs* now about the creation of this wall. This wall took me about 3 hours to make! What i did was first i edited the brightness/contrast, then i added 3 different textures, then i changed the mode of the texture layers creating different effects, and lastly i added text including my signature! X3 oh and if u can't read the text well it says "beautifully strong!". i rotated the text! another new trick i learned to do besides textures! This wall was fun to make! I enjoyed testing out the textures and i'm really proud of the out come! :3


Original Image: Abbysal Chronicles
Textures: 1 2 3 cloud55strife gave them to me.
Font: dafont.com

Dedicated to Danni cause its her challenge, and cause i love dedicating things to her! X3
I hope u like this and i hope my entry is ok for this challenge...meaning i hope its what your looking for! I really tried my hardest on this wall! I hope u like my entry Danni!! >w<

so Sparkly...its emphasizes "beauty"! *w* Textures are so much fun and i wanted to try something new in a challenge! X3


Tales of (Series) Wallpapers
beautiful, beautifully, sophie, strong, tales of graces, tough
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Member Dedication
Tough and Beautiful

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