kisskiss-bangbang (Wallpaper Portfolio) Freiherr

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~Challenge Entry for Let's Work Together!~
~Dedicated to josephine12cute~

Uhhhhh.... okay okay. I worked with the ever lovely josephine12cute for this one. She’s a darling to work with really; a real master at her craft. That’s wallpapers if you didn't know. Anyway I was quite excited to work with here; although I am nervous.

I did the second half of this project. Which was generally all the type. I took all the information from here. Blah blah blah insert important things I can't think about right now. Its really late right now so excuse my lack of enthusiasm. I'm going to turn it over to my partner in crime while I have a nap.

Thx for the veiw guys.

~Matt Tsuki

josephine12cute's thoughts:

Working with Matt was probably an impossible dream for me. And I'm happy that it was accomplished even before I spend one year here in theO. Matt was my first subscriber and he has been supporting me along the way. Matt is one of the most important persons I met here in theO and its an honor for me to have a collaboration wallpaper with him! Our wallpaper was a product of several trial-and-error and I'm happy that we managed to finish this wall. I hope you guys enjoy our wallpaper as much as I do... ^.~ ♥

I vectored the main image we used into a higher resolution. I wanted to make a wall that bursts with color but not too much. I also wanted to have a little experimentation in abstract so I used watercolor to fit it. It was very fun to put some watercolor on Goku's outline and even more fun to have those bursting watercolor splatters! :D

STEP-BY-STEP PROCESS: josephine's part
VECTOR: 7 layers, 818KB
WALLPAPER: 68 layers (4 are hidden, while 8 layers were duplicated), 132MB
WALLPAPER TRIAL-AND-ERROR: 126 layers!!!!, 152MB
FIRST REVISIONS:one-two-three-four-five

SCAN: Genjyo Sanzo, Cho Hakkai, Sha Gojyo, Son Goku (Saiyuki)
TEXTURES: Watercolor Texture2 by ValerianaSTOCK, Watercolor Texture Stock 1 by ekoh-stock, Watercolors texture by EViL-KiTTie-stock
BRUSHES: 06WATERcolor by XerroDeath,
WaterColor .2. Brushes Pack by env1ro

"Go Away" by 2NE1 (although I know its not relevant! :P)

Saiyuki Wallpapers
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20 members Favoritefavorite
Rabbita anne0807 yuko9kost Quiet Noise nirvana donut Yammi chan Felcie ecnelisterger Denver Lights Carbon Frost Hanaro Souhi Mistress Amoranta SarahPatricia pilar josephine12cute KrondorianV rosel D
Member Dedication
Let's Work Together!

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