Carbon Frost

Title Senior Otaku+
Birthday N/A
Member Since 05/22/10
Guestbook 104 signatures
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Gifts AlexaClyne: Happy Hearts Day Acey-kun! : :) ItachiSasuke: Congrats on the promotion! ^_^ hanawa: Im bored & I reckon you might be hungry~ hanawa: Nvr thought u've missed me DAT much! 8D hanawa: I've been... away? XD AlexaClyne: Here ya go! xD AlexaClyne: Good lookin' guy gets a cookie too! xDD AlexaClyne: Cupcake for the good lookin' guy? 8D ecnelisterger: ^^ Happy Easter~~~ AlexaClyne: Happeh Easter Acey! :DD rosel D: You make a good collab team~ Morbid Dollie: Thanks for the sub back ^_^ omnia1: thanku so much for the sub ^_^ hanawa: Likewise, thankies for your patience! XD hanawa: You can do it so don't give up! ^___^ aminesick: Happy new years!! =D reirei18 : happy 2011 to u too..~~<3 hanawa: Happy HAPPY new year~! *glomps* mickyodragon: Have a strong New Year. :D SarahPatricia: May 2011 be a wondrous year! ReiKiba: Happy New Year!!! <3 Blue Latte: Have a great new year!! rosel D: HAPPY NEW YEAR!!! wahooooo~~~~ XD ecnelisterger: All the best for 2011~ :D ecnelisterger: artists are always a little obscure. ecnelisterger: Great art picks up where nature ends. ecnelisterger: Art gives shape to life hanawa: Happy HAPPY new year~! *hugs* reirei18 : happy holidays to u too..~~<3 Haxelo: Merry Christmas!! <3 *hugs* itemilicious: Merry Christmas~ :D harvestmoonluvr: MERRY CHRISTMAS!!! <3 ReiKiba: Merry Christmas and H.New Year! ^-^ wuzzle320: Happy Holidays!!! rosel D: Merry Christmaaaaasssss!!!! XD AlexaClyne: Advanced Merry Christmas!!! hanawa: So yeah, am back wif more riot! *throws* hanawa: Here's a cigarette from Shizuo kun~! XD hanawa: Dudeness as in lioness? XDDD *shot* ItachiSasuke: Merry Christmas & Happy New Years! :) ecnelisterger: Merry Christmas and Happy New Year! kisskiss-bangbang: 'Cause yEr sw33t rosel D: It's nice to meet you ^_^ hanawa: Russian sushi from Simon~! XDD hanawa: I'll be away again, dun miss me so much hanawa: Dude, nice arts~! ^____^ hanawa: A banana for yah~! =D belletoile: Thanks so much for subscribing � superstarpanou: Thanks!! Ur comments r always welcomed! : thanks for the subs <3 ecnelisterger: Congrats for the promotion~ XD hanawa: Weee everyone screams for ice scream~! hanawa: Sorting Hat dumps you in Glycerine... hanawa: I'm really eating dis, wanna have some? hanawa: Who knows? This might be Donald... XD hanawa: Who doesn't like gifts? *gifts* XD hanawa: I know you like gifts, so here's more~! hanawa: Store your pick up lines here XP hanawa: I hope u don't think this is Mickey! XD hanawa: Owh don't forget to colour em too~! XD hanawa: Draw more and MOOOORE arts! ecnelisterger: XD ecnelisterger: t ecnelisterger: s ecnelisterger: o ecnelisterger: r ecnelisterger: f ecnelisterger: n ecnelisterger: o ecnelisterger: b ecnelisterger: r ecnelisterger: a ecnelisterger: C hanawa: Put on a pajama for this banana! XD hanawa: Thankies for the dedication~! =D hanawa: Let's play Cupids~! *shoots X and Y* hanawa: MEGA PIE ATTACK!! *assaults* hanawa: A pocky box for yah! *noms the contents* hanawa: Gifty! Can you guess what's inside? =D ecnelisterger: Want some?? 8D ecnelisterger: Higglytown Heroes!! ecnelisterger: What is this thing? ecnelisterger: A brick a day, keeps a pest away~ XDD ecnelisterger: Did the arrow hit you??  8D ecnelisterger: Did the arrow hit you??  8D ecnelisterger: Be nice to da Pandas~ ecnelisterger: You sent me like 8 gifts...XD hanawa: BRICKY ATTACK!!!! hanawa: *rabbit's sounds* *sounds some more* hanawa: THIS is a pocky! XD hanawa: An Ichigo a day keeps the Hollows away! hanawa: Here's the remaining~ *hands over* XD hanawa: Clean up your room!! XD LOL hanawa: Taraa~!! Here's Kida kun! XP hanawa: Ace, now pick up this rose! *throws* XD hanawa: Here, let's share~! *blissful* hanawa: You MUST exercise too! XD hanawa: I don't wanna exercise! XP hanawa: An ice-cream for yah~! Weeee~!! hanawa: YEAY I GOT A SORTING HAT!! *dances* hanawa: Bleh don't get so modest now Ace kun... hanawa: For that here's a mystery gift! hanawa: Weee arencha a genius? *^-^* hanawa: How unthinkable is thinkable btw? =/ hanawa: Owh, a very loooong research paper~ hanawa: Sincerely, *signs* ^___^ hanawa: -but yeaps, the space is ever so envious hanawa: XD I originally wanted to type a thesis- hanawa: Running out of pick-up lines? XD jk2~! hanawa: Thankies for the dedication~! *hugs* hanawa: XD Owh yesh we shud. hanawa: You bet! Gotta utilize dat feature then! hanawa: LOL It sure is fun, duncha think so? XD hanawa: Yuppies, I am. Am replying PMs @.@ hanawa: Well, there were... stuffs... XD hanawa: Weeee you got a cookie! =D harvestmoonluvr: Have some Pocky <3 :D Blue Latte: Happy Halloween AlexaClyne: Happy Halloween~! ecnelisterger: Happy Halloween!!! XD reirei18 : thx for joining Game Illust Contest.. <3 ecnelisterger: Thanks for the subs~ :D hanawa: Congrats, you're an Otakuite+ now! ;D Blue Latte: Thank you so much :D hanawa: Hope you'll like choc pocky! =D
Trophy Case Fan Art Trophy Wallpapers Trophy Fan Comics Trophy Cards Trophy Quizzes Trophy Comments Trophy
Medals Winner - Challenge: Your OC with their OC! Contestant - Challenge: Prove Your Improvement Contestant - Challenge: TheO Loves You! Contestant - Challenge: Game Illust.. *win premium* Contestant - Challenge: On ThE cLoCk SpEeD ChAlLeNgE! XD Contestant - Challenge: On ThE cLoCk SpEeD ChAlLeNgE! XD Contestant - Challenge: Digital Art Contestant - Challenge: Your Style Contestant - Challenge: Emotions

Subscriptions 27 subscriptions

  • superstarpanou
  • Adam
  • XxfangxX
  • ItachiSasuke
  • Blue Latte
  • stinamuffin
  • AlexaClyne
  • swizzledhazelnut
  • hanawa
  • artypants1017
  • SarahPatricia
  • mickyodragon
  • ReiKiba
  • ecnelisterger
  • itemilicious
  • Tetsuo334

Subscribers 42 subscribers Favoritefavorite

  • LightFykki
  • inufluffy12
  • soldierofthedark
  • Tetsuo334
  • sasoriofredsand
  • mickyodragon
  • nao kun
  • ecnelisterger
  • ReiKiba
  • HametsuKuro
  • akatsuki15
  • firefox360
  • ChiyukiChan
  • stinamuffin
  • kisskiss-bangbang
  • Hanako Sho

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