Title: I Won't Back Down
Artist: Tom Petty
♫And I won't back down~♫
.......Good song :D
Alrighteyyyyy, so this is a wallie I made yesterday (or the day before o___0) for the challenge "Tough & Beautiful" ^W^
& I chose Yoko Littner because she is awesome & is strong
*peace sign* 8D
Hope u likey~! :D
Up Coming Wallies In The Next Few Months:
9 Spirited Away Wallies
13 Children of the Corn Wallies That might never be put up
1 Hungry Caterpillar Wallie Yes, I mean it
5 Hannibal Lector Wallies
3 Black Cauldron Wallies & a few other ones...
& Several Lost Boys Wallies that haven't even been made yet!
A Total Of: 31