Ok! My entry into Airo Rokkuhauto's Key Words contest!!!
My word was STORY.
TT-TT This took soooo long! I started at 10pm and I just finished at 2am...rnCan't remeber seeing this picture in the manga? It doesn't quite exsist... I photoshopped several pics for thte manga together to make this... Allen's arm is made of 3 pics.rnI also added the color to this... and if you look closely at the books you can see my user name and that the one book is D-Gray Man!
Ok now links to the main picstures I used!!!(I didn't bother linking to the books, flowers or hand... if you really want to know pm and I'll link it to you)
Main image/background: http://i57.photobucket.com/albums/g237/german_partners_in_crime/dgrayman_v01_044.jpg
Allen (Who I basically had to redraw from the knee down): http://i57.photobucket.com/albums/g237/german_partners_in_crime/dgrayman_v05_135.jpg
Mana Walker's Grave: http://i57.photobucket.com/albums/g237/german_partners_in_crime/dgrayman_v01_100.jpg
Pics used for the arm: http://i57.photobucket.com/albums/g237/german_partners_in_crime/dgrayman_v06_155.jpg
Ok thats it!
Thank you for viewing and comments are welcomed!!!