sweetdevil (Wallpaper Portfolio) Rapture

1600x1200 | 1400x1050 | 1280x960 | 1152x864 | 1024x768 | 800x600
1920x1200 | 1680x1050 | 1440x900 | 1280x800

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Please check out the alternative dawn & night versions as well!
1920 x 1200 dawn & 1920 x 1200 night
and visit Corner of Art for other resolutions, such as the original 1920 x 1080!

I think I have to add this disclaimer to every wallpaper from now on, since I'll be focusing on 1920 x 1080 ones (a multiple of my current resolution).
If I were to pick a favorite version out of these, I couldn't, because I love something from all of them. For example, I love Charlotte skin colors from the dawn version, the overall lighting from the night one and Charlotte's hair color from the day one XP Just a heads up, there weren't color overlays applied, all the colors were changed manually. The idea for alternate versions came up when I was experimenting with Charlotte's skin shading, since I wanted to try shades other than that boring orange; I ended up with the dawn version but I liked them both and couldn't pick only one, so I thought about making a night one as well.

Technically speaking, this is a pretty simple wallpaper: no brushes, no textures, just vectoring and some blurring of the outlines for softness. Normally, I don't like closeup walls on my desktop, so I tried to use softer colors that would go easier on the eyes. Details (such as the hair) are also shown through shading rather than outlines. Speaking of shading, I first did the skin, but when I got to the hair, I was blown away. There are so many details! Of course, I was amazed because lately I've been working solely on "simpler" stuff ^_^" It was nice for a change.

Other than that, I'm happy I made it in time for Keywords; the word I got -"union"- wasn't that easy to illustrate because I wanted to make something more sober. For example, if I'd received something like "together", an ordinary cute anime couple should've sufficed, but "union" called for something more formal. I'm also happy to finally make a VHD:BL wall; haven't seen the movie for a few years, but I still love it. I still remember, back then I was disappointed at the lack of good VHD:BL walls - of course, there are more now, but I'm still content with participating :)

Credits and other details
Screencap by Aimee Major (this one).
Since I kept all versions in the same PSD file, there are 196 total layers. However, each version would have about 49 layers. And the complete PSD file is only 68 MB. Ah, the joys of working with shape layers~
No textures or brushes used.
Reference for bed sheets: Freezing (Bridgette L. Satellizer) by Ghandy (warning: ecchi)
Inspiration song: Rapture by IIO

I'm sure I'm forgetting something, but I'm already tired of writing and it's long enough, so I'll end it here. Be sure to check out the alternate versions if you haven't~ [/nagging]

As always, criticism, hugs, favs and/or rotten tomatoes are welcome and very appreciated :3

Vampire Hunter D Wallpapers
bloodlust, Charlotte, closeup, IIO, Meier Link, rapture, sleeping, vampire, Vampire Hunter D: Bloodlust, vector, widescreen
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