Hisaishi (Wallpaper Portfolio) NSFW (Never Safe For Work)

NSFW (Never Safe For Work)
1152x864 | 1024x768 | 800x600

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I only made this wallpaper because this challenge sounded interesting. If it were up to me, I would make sure every copy of this idiotic series was rounded up and burned in a fire. Actually, the smell would be too horrible to even comprehend. I would just throw them in a large safe, mix some wet cement in the safe, lock it and drop it in the Hudson. No, I don't want to poison the fish. I suggest put every bit of P&Sw/G merchandise in a rocket and wait for the right moment. As soon as the rocket is in the asteroid belt, launch every nuclear warhead known to man at it, making sure every piece is vaporized in the impact. Crap, I can't do that. The explosion would be too close to Jupiter. I don't want to do that to Jupiter. Jupiter's too awesome. Let's just say a loathe this series with a burning passion. Basically, if it were not for the equally craptastic Eiken, this would be the most digusting piece of culture in all of Japan.

Ok, I've had my rant for today. I'm okay, everybody.

EDIT: I actually decided to give this show a fair trial. So, the first half was what I initially saw. The second half, I didn't even touch, lest there be more bodily fluid jokes. So I watched the second half. All I can say is killing zombies with dildos. That's the episode that stuck out to me. So, all in all, the first half was weak and disgusting, the second half hit it's stride and got much better. The ending, however, trolled me hard. And I loved it

Panty and Stocking with Garterbelt Wallpapers
challenge, go die in a fire, hate it, panty, police, stocking, tape
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8 members Favoritefavorite
allycat2090 Dobiba Lanier Sama windfish55 kikkima Sakuse
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