sweetdevil (Wallpaper Portfolio) Misleading

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Happy belated birthday, Lory!! *hugs* I know I sent you a gift on your birthday, but I was also planning something more substantial for you :D Hope you like it, I thought of Toradora from those ooold icon requests.
Dammit TheO, Y U NOTIFY ME OF BIRTHDAYS ON THOSE EXACT DAYS? It makes me seem like a crappy friend D: Though since I almost forgot my own birthday, anything goes with me (that's a brand new type of special right there).
Widescreen version recommended, as usual, normal and HD cut from the wall.

I really wanted to vector this when I saw the scan again while looking for gift materials; for some reason, close-up walls and vectors go much easier than full body ones : However, close-ups mean that I'm bound to get caught up in doing hair, which happened here as well. Surprisingly, the hair was done in day 1, then day 2 was for the skin and clothes, and finally day 3 (today) for the background and corrections. I left some edges intentionally "messy" to emphasize that effect ^^

I went apeshit with the Freeform Pen Tool 8D OMAI <3 I think I've found a new tool to abuse. And the background originally consisted of a pattern, but I scrapped that idea and went with this, since I've always wanted to try this style. And by the way, all the raster layers in this wall are the subtle blush, the light, the bokeh and a color correction layer - everything is vectored, no painting or textures used.

Oh, and I also left out that creature, it bugged me for some reason. Plus, it totally cramps her style, so it had to go. However, that left me with reconstruction work, which took a long time because I got cocky and tried to do it "on the spot", without drawing myself a reference D: I managed to fix it in the end, though.

Credits and stuff
Scan: by dahlia59
Some progress shots: hair, eyes close-up, eyes + hair + shirt base
2560 x 1600 and 1920 x 1080 versions over here.

I promise I'm taking care of the challenge results, it's just...taking a lot longer than I expected D: I need to remove that link to my folder of yaoi from my desktop >_>"

Toradora! Wallpapers
blush, bokeh, girl, light, long hair, taiga, vector, vexel
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