Support KIRA (Wallpaper Portfolio) Watch me Crumble

Watch me Crumble
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So...this wallpaper pretty much sums up the current mindset I'm in. I like to take whatever I'm feeling and pour it into something, with the hopes that it will come out productively, so yep.

Subaru is one of my favorite clamp characters. I simply adore him. All of his raw emotion and power is inspiring to me. This scan carries so much of that, I immediately related to it. The time I took on it was worth it in more ways than just the outcome. It helped to calm me, and make me focus.

Special thanks to everyone that put up or approached me tonight. I appreciate all of you who take the time to help me feel better. You know who you are <333

Perhaps this may help with those of you that feel similar to me. Just remember something. Even when you crumble and fall, you will find a way to put yourself together again, and the time doesn't always work against you. Sometimes, it heals you. So be sure to see both sides, yes? NO GIVING UP.

comments/hugs/faves always greatly appreciated.

Scan: MiniTokyo
Textures: ChanDang,JakezDaniel, Insan Stock, Fall Out M ((All Deviantart))
Clock: MiniTokyo

Tokyo Babylon Wallpapers
Clocks, Crumble, Cryptic, Dark, Depression, Falling, Grungy, Hope, KIRA, Rain, Sad, Subaru, Sumeragi, Support Kira, Texture, Time
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